Sunday, May 16, 2010

Taiwanese Tea Eggs

To continue with the Taiwanese theme that we had for lunch yesterday, I wanted to make tea eggs. Apparently, they even sell these types of eggs at 7-eleven stores in Taiwan. It's always interesting to see what is considered fast food in different countries. Again, I was surprised at how easy it actually was to make these eggs. I do however wish that I had decided to start the process a little earlier to allow for more time for the sauce to seep into the eggs.


12 Eggs
1/4 cup Dark Soy Sauce
1 large Black Tea bag
2 to 3 Star Anises


Put eggs in a pot and fill with water until eggs almost covered.

Add dark soy sauce, tea bag, star anises and bring to a boil. Cover pot.

Boil for approximately 15 minutes until eggs are mostly cooked, then take each egg and crack the shells with a metal spoon. After all the eggs are cracked, continue to simmer for at least one hour (the longer the better).

Prior to eating, remove all shells and return eggs into the sauce briefly before serving.

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